Monday 12 December 2016

Australia Nursing Registration

Nursing opportunities abound in Australia, however international nurses must meet and fulfill  preregistration requirements in order to have the right to work as a nurse.

Register as a Midwife in the UK.

Midwifery in the UK, as with nursing is experiencing a severe shortage of personnel and the NMC UK is looking to international recruits to meet this shortfall.

Countries and What They Are Best At.

A recent publication by information is beautiful painted a global picture based on what countries are supposedly best at.

Keys to Success

A little bit of Monday morning motivation.

Saturday 10 December 2016

1 Reason You Should be Content With How You Are.

Cosmetic surgery gone too far? See more pictures after the cut.

Is This The End of Malaria?

The days of high mortality and morbidity associated with malaria may soon be a thing of the past if feelers from the World Health Organization (WHO) are proven right.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Nursing Opportunities in Ireland.

Ireland presents a unique opportunity for international nurses to seek and gain registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland.

English Language Requirement for Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland

Nurses who are trained outside the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA), must provide proof of English competence as part of the application.

Can You Spot Them?

Puzzle Time!!

Israeli Company Successfully Transplants Lab-Grown Bone.

An Israeli company Bonus BioGroup made history by announcing that they have successfully conducted transplants of artificially grown human bone tissue in some patients who suffer from degenerative bone disease.

Who is a Nurse?

Chances are if an average African is asked; who is a nurse? the most likely response would be that a nurse is a female dressed in white who gives injections, right? Sadly, that is the concept of who a nurse is to most people. So who really is a nurse?

Monday 5 December 2016

Apply to College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta

Having been assessed as eligible by National Nursing Assessment Service (NNAS), you may want to apply to the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA).

International English Language Test System (IELTS).

 The academic version of the  International English Language Test System (IELTS) is a basic prerequisite for nursing registration in countries such as UK, Canada, Australia, and New zealand. The US also accepts IELTS in addition to TOFEL.

The test aims to assess level of English using these parameters:

  • Speaking.
  • Listening.
  • Reading
  • Writing.

1 Step approach to Canadian Nursing eligibility assessment.


Canada is made of up ten provinces and they all have different boards of Nursing, so preregistration requirements varies between provinces.

Sunday 4 December 2016

7 Natural remedies for high cholesterol levels

Cholesterol or lipids is a fatty substances that is vital to normal body functioning. Although it is naturally occurring  in some foods, a larger percent is synthesized in the liver. However,at higher than normal levels, they tend to disrupt normal body functioning.
Recent evidence suggests a strong link between high cholesterol levels and diet. Now the question on your mind is how do i maintain normal body cholesterol levels right?

Saturday 3 December 2016

3 Steps to UK Overseas Nurse registration process.

Opportunities abound for Nigerian nurses to take advantage of to migrate to the United Kingdom, however most Nigeria nurses are most often laid back on the issue of migration, as they always expect some family member or friend to come “take them” out of the country.
The truth is that opportunities abound for nurses to migrate to different parts of the developed world than any other profession. The Asians have grabbed the opportunities with both hands and I would like to see more serious minded African  nurses do same.

The first step towards registering in the UK is to sit for the IELTS English test which can be taken in Nigeria and make at least 7 in the four testing bands.

Preparing for NMC CBT? Get in here!!!

The Nursing and Midwifery Council of UK abolished the adaptation route to registration in October 2014 and introduced two competency based tests. The first of which will be the focus here.

Nursing Education in Nigeria


Over the years the Nursing profession in Nigeria has remained stagnant despite the recorded growth and progress of nursing in other climes. This is mostly due to the lack of vision on the part of the nursing administrators in the country and ignorance on the part of potential nurses. Schools of nursing have continued to operate because of the selfish interest of its operators and complacency of those who are tasked with nursing administration in the country, as they capitalize on the ignorance of many.

What could be happening here?

As seen on the streets of London.

Nursing shortage

Several hospital wards across the UK are shutting down due to shortage of nurses.