Wednesday 7 December 2016

Israeli Company Successfully Transplants Lab-Grown Bone.

An Israeli company Bonus BioGroup made history by announcing that they have successfully conducted transplants of artificially grown human bone tissue in some patients who suffer from degenerative bone disease.

The feat was achieved by injecting a semi-liquid graft into the jaws of 11 subjects during the first phase of clinical trials, which successfully fused to existing bone and filled gaps in the degenerating bone tissue.

A company statement read " For the first time anywhere in the world, a quick and effective and safe bone rehabilitation using a single injection of living, growing graft transplanted inside a human bone has been completed".

Scientists were able to achieve this feat by utilizing innovative technology which enabled them to extract live fat cells from people by liposuction. These fat cells are activated in the laboratory into mature bone cells and then re-injected into the diseased bone of the patient.
A really significant and positive aspect of this procedure is that the likelihood of graft rejection is eliminated as the grafts are taken from the patients themselves.

BioGroup CEO, Dr. Shai Meretzki  while making a  presentation at the International conference on oral and maxillofacial surgery in Madrid said "Our bone-regeneration methodology is a powerful tool for treating a variety of bone and joint disease without the risk of tissue rejection and surgery failure as with current methods of bone replacements and implants".

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